University of La Verne

Psychology Department

PsyD Program in Clinical-Community Psychology

Fall 2011


Course:                                    Psy 690, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

                                    Mondays 6:30—8:50, Hoover 128


Instructor:          Valerie Russell,  PhD. Clinical Psychologist


Office hours by appointment (before or after class)


Messages:  cell:  714-309-1007, voice & text

Email:  (Please use this rather than La Verne email.)



Co-taught with J. Michael Russell, PhD, PsyD




Course description:

This course presents psychodynamic psychotherapy as various forms of therapy that proudly acknowledge their heritage in FreudÕs vision of psychoanalysis.  We will become more familiar with several contributors to this expanding tradition.



Glen O. Gabbard, M.D. Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice: The DSM-IV Edition (American Psychiatric Press, 1094)

Stephen A. Mitchell and Margaret J. Black, Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought  (Basic Books, 1995)


Class begins on August 29, does not meet September 5, does meet November 21, last class December 5, final exam December 12.


Week 1: 8/29/11:  introduction


9/5/11 Holiday (Labor Day)


Week 2: 9/12/1

Have read:  Gabbard, pp. ix --> 153, chapters 1,2,3,4,5


Week 3: 9/19/11

Have read  Mitchell & Green, pp. xi --> 138

Due:  Assignment 1:  Assessment of a client (yourself).  Due by email by Sunday, 9/18.  Also bring hard copy to class.


Week 4: 9/26/11

 Gabbard:  pp. 154--> 180


Week 5: 10/3/11

Mitchell & Green,  chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, pp. 139--> 206, Kernberg, Schafer, Loewald, Lacan,

Due on Friday, 10/7 Assignment 2: a set of questions to be addressed and submitted electronically.  Also bring hard copy to class.


Week 6: 10/10/11

 Gabbard: 419--> 448, Cluster A  Personality Disorders, Paranoid, Schizoid,  Schizotypal


Week 7: 10/17/11

Gabbard, 449-->496, Borderline

Gabbard, 497-->526, Narcissistic


Week 8: 10/17/11

Gabbard: 527-->588, Cluster B, Antisocial, Hysterical, Histrionic


Week 9: 10/24/11

Gabbard, 589--> 617, Obsessive-Compulsive, Avoidant, Dependent


Week 10:  10/31/11

Gabbard, chapters 7,8, 183-->240,  Schizophrenia, Affective Disorders

Assignment 3 due 11/10 (Likely this will  be postponed.)


Week 11: 11/7/11

Gabbard,  chapters 9 & 10, 240--> 326, Anxiety Disorders, Dissociative Disorders


Week 12: 11/14/11

Gabbard, chapters 11, 12,  pp. 278-->394, Paraphilas and Sexual Dysfunctions, Substance Related Disorders and Eating Disorders


Week 13: 11/21/11

Gabbard Chapter 13,  pp. 395-->418, Mitchell & Green, chapters 8, 9: Controversies in Theory, Controversies in Technique


Week 14:  11/28/11

Revisit earlier readings


Week 15: 12/5/11  last class

Revisit earlier readings


Week 16: 12/12/11 final exam



Required work:


                                    Subject  to change, there will be 4 take-home assignments, each of which will                         have various sections calling on you to address concepts from lecture, from                         readings, and often involving attempting to apply these to a client which, to                                some extent, is yourself. In addition, we may call on you in cl ass.  You should                          always be prepared to show that you have studied the assigned material.  That                        and your level of attentiveness in class will contribute to our overall                                           impression of you, and your grade in the course is based on our  overall                     impression, with emphasis on your graded assignments.  If you tell us at the                          beginning of class that you are not prepared then we wonÕt count this against                       you.  If you donÕt tell us in advance and we see that you are unprepared we                               will (or may) make note of this and it will (or can) count against you.  You may                     plead ÒunpreparedÓ twice during the semester.



Your grade in the course will be based on our overall impression of you, largely based on what you write but also based on our sense of your attentiveness and participation. ÒBÓ means good and ÒAÓ means especially good.   We do not care whether you follow APA style and  we do not at all mind your writing from a personal and informal vantage point.  However, we do expect your writing to be clear and to have been proof-read with some care.  Good work includes good writing, evidence of understanding ideas, evidence of ability in applying theory to cases, and, hopefully, seeing some personal application.





 Absences and lateness will affect your grade.  If you know you are going to be late or absent please make every reasonable effort to notify me in advance.  Call or text Dr. Valerie Russell at 714-309-1007 or email to either or




Academic integrity:

The instructor adheres to university regulations regarding all forms of academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) .  It is expected that all work submitted for a grade is original, not copied from others, and has been completed by the student who is receiving the grade.  Sources, assistance and collaboration are to be acknowledged.  Cheating on any work will result in failure from the course.


If you have a disability requiring reasonable accommodations please tell me; I will try to accommodate.  If that is insufficient, please seek the assistance of the Director of Disabled StudentsÕ Services on campus.  I (JMR) am hard of hearing and also sometimes have difficulty processing what I hear, so I may need to ask you to repeat yourself.